I have said it once, and I’ll say it again. Nursing majors are weird friends to have. And now I’m going to create a list for anyone who is going to become a roommate to a nursing major (If you haven’t before check out my last list about nursing majors here: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/befriend-nursing-major)
1. Be Prepared for Weird Quotes.
Nursing majors study a lot. Something that I have learned by witnessing excessive studying is that the more they study, and the less sleep they get, the weirder things they say.
Exhibit A: "I have no more of the anymores."
Exhibit B: "Yes! She [the roommate of said nursing major] is sleeping! I can watch her breathe!"
2. Be Prepared to have no idea where your Roommate is.
The phrase “does anyone know where my roommate is?” has become a common phrase in my vocabulary. On that note, about studying again, nursing majors are often in the library studying, at tutoring, or open lab. Not to mention clinicals and class. With all of those obligations, it’s a fair bet that your roommate won’t be around much, so make sure to savor what little time you have together. (Shout out to my roomie, you rock my socks!)
3. Be Prepared to be a Human Dummy.
I don’t think I would ever trust a nurse with bigger problems if they don’t have beginner experience in the field of healthcare. This means they have to practice the basics on someone, and when you room with a nursing major, that someone just so happens to be you. I hope for your sake that your roommate doesn’t have cold hands.
4. Be Prepared to Look Ridiculous at Lunch.
Maybe this is just a me problem for becoming friends with a bunch of nursing majors, but they always wear their scrubs one day of the week during lunch. So in the dinning hall, you will find at least six future nurses in their scrubs, and someone else, one of these things is not like the others.
5. Be prepared for Random Sugar Rushes.
To cope with the insanity of nursing school, I have learned that sugar is a fantastic way to tame the best of the nursing study monster. Chocolate, caramel apple lollipops, cookie dough, and, as I am writing this article, ice cream sandwiches, to name a few. Apparently sugar is the answer to everything.
6. Be Prepared for Dance Parties.
Another brilliant form of stress relief, dance parties are a must. The songs I understand as perfect distress songs are: Shakira, High School Musical, Hannah Montana, and Adele, to name just a few of the songs.
7. Be Prepared to be a Master of Support.
The nursing life is a hard thing (not that I know, but it seems to be) and if nursing majors need anything (other than sleep, time, and comfort food) it’s comfort, and non-nursing major friends are the perfect support system.
Nursing majors are great, and if you have one as a roommate you should (in theory) remain in good health. However, be forewarned, nursing majors, man, they’re crazy.