How To Prepare For The Pokémon Go Generation 2 Release | The Odyssey Online
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How To Prepare For The Pokémon Go Generation 2 Release

Harvest. Candies. All. Day. Long.

How To Prepare For The Pokémon Go Generation 2 Release
Wallpaper Folder

With the recent updates to Pokémon Go, players are hoping that the availability of generation 2 Pokémon is imminent.

Niantic has recently implemented the “buddy system,” which allows players to choose a Pokémon to walk outside of its Pokéball. Players earn candies for that Pokémon depending on the amount that they walk, making it easier to get candies in an easier way to help with evolving in a way that can be controlled, rather than just hoping for many of the same Pokémon to spawn.

Players see that as a step in the right direction- this was a positive change from an update, and not just a small patch. It seems like Niantic is finally finding its footing when it comes to making changes that players approve of.

But, a big question that’s on player’s minds is when generation 2 Pokémon will become available.

While no one knows the answer except for the great team at Niantic, we can hope that it will be soon. But don’t fear! There are things that can be done in the meantime to prepare for the addition.

Harvest those candies!

A few first generation Pokémon get new evolutions in the second generation, so if you want to prepare, start getting as many candies as possible for the following Pokémon:

The easiest one will be Eevee, which spawns relatively often. Get as many candies as you can, because this one gets two new eeveelutions- Umbreon and Espeon!

Scyther, who evolves into Scizor. And it’s awesome.

Slowpoke, who evolves into Slowking. This one will definitely be one of the strongest gym guardians.

And perhaps the most difficult one, Chansey, who evolves into Blissey. I still have yet to see a Chansey, although many people I know have been able to find one. Maybe I’m not looking hard enough!

Players are really hoping that the update comes before the snow and the -40 weather (here in Canada, at least!) but even if it does come out in the winter, I’m sure we will see many players making their way through the bitter cold, catching ‘em all, like the true Pokémon masters they are.

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