How To Prepare For Final Exams (As Told By 90's Cartoons) | The Odyssey Online
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How To Prepare For Final Exams (As Told By 90's Cartoons)

Final Exams are coming... so let's procrastinate.

How To Prepare For Final Exams (As Told By 90's Cartoons)

Winter is coming. To be a little less dramatic...December is coming. The day after Thanksgiving signifies the approach of a joyous time. That warm fuzzy feeling of seeing your favorite holiday movie on TV, hugging loved ones a little tighter, and all of those empty calories you are about to consume over the next 4 weeks. What if I told you that the day after Thanksgiving really signifies feeling nauseous at seeing your most recent exam grades, clutching your pillow for dear life, and stress-induced calorie consuming. Sure, winter break is coming, but that means...FINAL EXAMS ARE COMING!

We can handle this 1 of 3 ways, option 1: study, study, oh and study, or option 2: have mental breakdowns every other day being remedied by an unlimited amount of ice cream and procrastination. Finally option 3: turn to our favorite childhood cartoons for advice. I'm going with option 3...

1. Cram as much last minute information as our brains can possibly handle. Since we are reading it all now it will be fresh in our minds...right?

2. Try to relax by spending that precious study time on Pinterest or Tumblr.

3. Remembering every single thing your professor has ever said this semester...everything.

4. Actually try reading the expensive books you bought...there might be something useful in there.

5. Maybe wallow in self pity while eating half of your weight in sugar.

6. Take ownership of all those classes you missed and those hot-sauce stained assignments you passed in.

7. Looking back through your lecture notes ...

8. Consider transferring to Clown University.

9. Remember your Squad has your back.

10. Admit we might be the reason other life forms think we are un-intelligent...

11. Find yourself a patient, and dedicated tutor.

12. Completely winging your class presentation.

13. Surprise yourself by PASSING and feeling invincible!

14. Slide into winter break...

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