My friend Kirty Weatherly shared with me how her experience with pregnancy at an early age has affected her. Below are her words.
At 19 years old I would have never imagined this life for myself.
Truthfully, this was morally everything I stood against for most of my life. I had made not only myself, but God, a promise to save myself and not perform intimacy out of wedlock. I one day lost grip of Christ, as so many of us often do, and let that promise slip through my fingers.
Little did I know that this decision would change my life forever.
As I felt like I had made the biggest mistake of my life, I slowly but surely came to the realization that God—the creator of everything beautiful and wonderful, makes no mistakes. Even though I am weak, His power is made perfect in weakness. Although, I am not in any way trying to condone premarital sex or children out of wedlock.
Hear me out. I am solely encouraging that when life throws a pretty hard curveball, swing hard and run towards what's right.
Turn the trials into a part of your own testimony and let it drive you to move forward. Through my decisions and failures to uphold a powerful promise, God continues to show His grace and mercy through every blessing and trial in my life. And with that came my beautiful son, Kaden. The decision I chose to make has molded me and formed me to be the mother he deserves to have, even if I may feel like I don't deserve to have such a gracious Heavenly Father.
With that being said, I would like to make another promise; one that will be too tough to be broken. I want to promise to be the Godly mother and stronghold for my son. To equip him and mold him to be a servant and mighty soldier of Christ. To go forth into the nations and show others how incredible Christ's love it. And to teach him to love, embrace and respect the relentless love from others. If I do just that, I believe that one day he will become an amazing young man of God and I can't wait to see what His future holds!