When first going to college, it is a huge change from your everyday life at home. You are surrounded by new people and in a completely different environment. Personally, I love the change that college brought into my life. Don't get me wrong, I love being home, but I prefer being at school. Here's why:
I have so much more freedom.
I don't have to ask my mom permission if it's OK to leave the house. I can go see my friends whenever I please.
I get to live with my friends.
I am able to run over to my friends room and chat non stop with them about anything and everything anytime I want. We are constantly laughing and making new memories.
I have food available whenever I want.
I can confidently say I am the worst cook you could ever meet. I can make grilled cheese and eggs. I like being at school and having the ability to walk to the CUB whenever I want. I love home cooked meals, but I can't cook, so I'm out of luck.
I have met so many amazing people at school already in my first year.
I don't talk to many of my friends from high school. After attending different colleges, most of us didn't keep in contact with each other. The friendships I've made at school are long lasting. Since school ended we have been in contact with one another almost every day since.
I am in walking distance to mostly everything at school.
Being able to walk to Starbucks can be the most exciting thing. There are some weeks when I don't move my car or have to get gas because everything is in walking distance.
I have so many new wardrobes at school that I don't have at home.
I have my roommates to share clothing with, as well as my friends. There have been so many mornings that I have stared at my closet not knowing what to wear, so I go right to one of my roommates and find something simultaneously. That's a problem for when I'm at home, I spend hours trying to pick out an outfit.
If someone would ask me where I'd prefer being, my answer would be at school. I love being home, but I love being at school more. College has been a new chapter of my life that I have absolutely loved and can not wait to continue.