If you've been following politics you may have learned that healthcare is difficult, as president Trump found after taking the office. Since in office he has begun to make changes to the system put in place by predecessor Barack Obama. The changes include disallowing people with preexisting medical conditions to apply for health insurance.
The Affordable Healthcare Act of 2010 provided millions of Americans with medical coverage. Allowing middle class/lower class citizens to receive healthcare despite being able to pay. While it may have been spotty leaving some patients out in the dust to pay for coverage, for the majority of the time it has done its job.
It was never perfect though, which is why the hype over the Grand Old Party fixing it seemed to be a good idea. But with a businessman as a leader could we a really expect it to get fixed? He certainly didn't choose the most experienced members in the land to occupy the cabinet, or seemingly any other position for that matter.
Now this isn't a rant about our president or his choices, this is about those with preexisting conditions. Those of you who will now because of our government will be left out of receiving the help paying medical expenses, and will see premium hikes for coverage. Preexisting conditions include but aren't limited to; asthma, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnea, depression, eating disorders, anxiety, migraines, and infertility. For a list of the preexisting conditions, visit Trumpcare.com. There you can read all about the plan to fix the “Broken system” left by Obama.
Whatever the answer to all of this is, it mustn't be simple. Healthcare certainly has taken its toll on the American people. Remember just last year the Epipen’s price hiked up over 400% when the main provider decided to cash in on an opportunity. Luckily generic brands have stepped up offering reasonable cheaper solutions. One can hope that with this epidemic of rising healthcare costs that there will be a way to keep premium healthcare coverage costs at a minimum price.
Will the Grand Old Party bend and maybe cut funding somewhere it isn't needed (say some of the billions that go into the military) and allocate just SOME of it to healthcare? It's difficult to say a party so tied into business will do something that will affect a business that effects us all: healthcare. At the end of the day, our doctor visits and the sales of our prescriptions are just business, so I guess you should have to pay hundreds out of pocket for medicine that costs five dollars to make. It shouldn't be that way when lives are on the line, but that's how it is. Imagine your newborn is born with heart disease or asthma, what would you do?