The 21st season of the addicting and drama filled show, "The Bachelor," has jumped right into the excitement. Now that we've met all the new contestants it's time to get down to business. We have already seen which girls might be a problem and which girls we love, but what about all the ridiculous dates. There are always a few things that are for certain every season: crying, drama and a proposal, but what about everything else. Here are 10 predictions for the most dramatic season of "The Bachelor" yet:
1. Sports group date
Can't wait to see which sports related dates we will have this season. There is a guarantee for at least one, but maybe leave out the customized jerseys cause obviously they aren't good luck.
2. Hospital Visit
There is always that one girl that goes to desperate measures to get some extra time.
3. A boy from home
Jojo isn't the only one from bachelor nation to be questioned about an ex from home. Maybe this season Nick will found out about one of his girlfriend's past.
4. Awkward dates
I'm pretty sure Chris Harrison picks these awkward dates on purpose just to mess with the bachelor. To be honest I'd probably do the same thing.
5. A snitch
At one point a girl will take it into her own hands to let Nick know that some girl isn't good enough for him. Sometimes this is true, but usually just an act of war.
6. Bomb dresses
Even if you aren't into all the drama or just not into Nick, you can still watch for all the dresses. Suffering through the episodes is always worth it for the dresses at rose ceremonies.
7. Private concert
There is always one lucky girl that gets the romantic date with a special surprise. I'm sure they still won't eat any food on this date though.
8. Dumped and stranded
Both Ashley and Kelsey got dumped by Chris and then left stranded. This isn't the first time this has happened either. Season six of the "Bacelorette," Ali left Kasey on a glacier. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw something like this again this season.
9. Comedy date
Every season there is one group date that is a little too embarrassing to watch. They might also be some of the best episodes.
10. Late night visits
Nick has a history of going a little too far on his dates. This season I think we can all guess who is going to be the girl to sneak up to his room.