Preakness 2016 | The Odyssey Online
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Preakness 2016

They don't call it "The People's Race" for nothing ...

Preakness 2016

The 143rd Preakness Stakes race took place yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland. PreakNESS ended up being more of a PreakMESS this year than most of us spectators hoped; low temperatures and heavy rains left the track and infield in a slushy mess of thick mud. However, that didn't stop thousands of people from coming out to enjoy the day. Whether you were in the grandstand, the infield or working the event, Preakness 2016 was one for the books. With over 130,000 people traveling to the Pimlico Race Course from all over the country, energy remained high even in the dreary weather conditions.

The day started bleak as we trekked from our shuttle bus into the arena. The walk to Pimlico isn't exactly pleasant; the surrounding area is not kept well and certainly not the safest in an already unsafe city, so even on a nice day, it's a struggle. The rain was on and off all day and the temperatures were the lowest the Preakness race has seen in over 50 years. The typical Preakness attire of sundresses, floppy hats, sandals, pastel shorts and blazers were replaced by chunky sweaters, rain boots and an array of ponchos this year. We stood in piles of mud inches thick, but that didn't stop us from making the best of the day.

The Preakness is more than just a horse race, especially for infield ticket holders like myself. The infield is exactly what it sounds like: the field inside the race course. The horses race around you on the mile long track and you can watch them run by from a super up-close-and-personal vantage point. However, those in the infield are there more for the experience than the races, as most serious spectators and betting happens within the stands.

The infield is basically like one big food and drink festival, with betting stations for those gambling on races and of course, the concerts. This year's headliners where none other than our Jersey boy Fetty Wap and the EDM duo The Chainsmokers. The Budweiser Mug Club kept us warm with endless beer, and the crowds that surrounded the stages were a blast to dance and sing along with. The infield demographic was perfect for us college kids; we made friends in the bathroom lines, the beer lines, and while waiting for the concerts to start. While the physical atmosphere of the event was down right dreary, the energy levels were sky high and everyone was there for the same reason: to have a good time.

As for the main attraction, the horse races took place all throughout the day. After the Kentucky Derby two weeks ago, Nyquist was the favorite to sweep the competition during the Preakness and a candidate for winning the Triple Crown. Throughout the week, spectators paid close attention to the impending weather, readjusting their bets on which horse would be the best "mud runner." The Preakness day consists of 14 races, but the actual Preakness race is the most important. The race started at 6:45 in the evening and the winner was Exaggerator! Nyquist came in a close third. Although the day sounds like all fun and games, it's important to mention the negative aspects of Preakness 2016 as well. Unfortunately, due to the dangerous track conditions, two horses died and a jockey broke his collarbone and was severely injured. While horse racing is already a risky sport, I personally think weather should be an instrumental condition to be considered when planning and potentially rescheduling the races. There's really no reason for animals or humans to be killed or injured for the sake of having the event rain or shine.

To end on a positive note, I would highly recommend attending the Preakness next year if you can. The overall atmosphere is so amazing and I can only image how much more fun it would have been if the weather was warm and sunny like it has been in past years! Whether you like watching and betting on the races, singing and dancing at the concerts, or enjoying some classic Maryland food and beverages with your friends, the Preakness has something for everyone!

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