So, in the days of Noah, man was wicked. They were so evil and unrepentant in their hearts that God made the decision to flood the earth and wipe them out. It says in the Bible that this grieved His heart. Noah walked with the Lord and he found grace in His eyes. So God instructed him to build the ark. Now, it had never rained on the earth before so imagine Noah telling these people that it was going to flood. But, despite what people said or the looks they gave, Noah preached the flood was coming for 120 years! That took an incredible amount of faith in God. People ridiculed him and told him he was crazy for 120 years of his life, yet he continued to be faithful and obey the Lord. So after all those years of preaching, guess what happened? The flood he was warning everyone about actually came. Noah and his family were safe on the ark but everyone else died.
Christians, it's our job to preach the flood is coming. By that I mean, we were given the job of spreading the gospel. We are to tell others about our Savior. We are to be witnesses. In a world like this, I know it's so hard to do that. I struggle with it myself. But there is a "flood" coming and we need to be warned.
There are those Christians who act the part when it's necessary like putting on their church face. I myself am guilty of this and I find myself doing it often. I know all the right answers to Bible questions and I know most of the hymns but what do I do for the Lord? What do I do to further God's kingdom? Am I warning people of the flood headed our way?? I'm ashamed to say my answers aren't the ones I'd like to own up to. We can't be silent and selfish any longer. It's time to be modern day Noahs.
Even if we don't want to admit it, we are afraid to talk about God. The fear of rejection takes hold on each of us because it's not the hot topic to discuss. You bring Jesus into stuff and you're suddenly a religious nut who is holier than thou. We let that stop us from telling others about Him. We don't want to be laughed at or turned down or ridiculed. Have you ever stopped to think about how selfish that is? After all He has done for us and continues to do, we can't even speak of Him? Well, let's go back to the Christians who put on the face. If you go to church or post something on social media or put a verse on everything then it should not like you're ashamed of Him...right? It's easy to look the part and play it better, but does your life show that there is truth to the person you display? Our biggest role as a Christian is to go out and witness to others, not let it be known that you know John 3:16. Despite the looks we are given, the things said behind our backs, our number one priority should be spreading the gospel to the lost.
Noah is one of my favorite biblical examples of what kind of heart I want to have for the Lord. He was so willing to do the Lord's will. He didn't care what others said or thought, he cared about the Lord. He preached the flood was coming for 120 years knowing it had never even rained before yet we can't go tell someone what Jesus has done for us. I'm right there in the same boat with you guys. I'm talking to myself. I challenge us all to start preaching the flood. Jesus is coming back soon to take us home. We need to be warning people that there is a Hell but there is a Saviour who loves them and died for them and wants them to accept His free gift of salvation because He has paid it all with His precious blood. The world gets darker every day. We are called to be the light. Build the ark Christians and preach. Be a Noah. The raindrops have started to fall.