Well, it has officially happened, you’re getting married. Holy smokes like I don’t even know what to do with this information. We have been a part of each other’s lives for so long I don’t even remember you not being in it. It’s always been just the two of us against the whole entire world but things are going to be a bit different now. You have another partner in crime now. I mean let’s be honest he will never be like the original ride or die (me) but I will admit, you two seem pretty great together.
People sometimes joke and say that it’s like them and their best friend are in a relationship, but we all know how true that really is. If you are fortunate enough in life to have a best friend you can literally do anything with then you know what I’m talking about. Then all of the sudden your friendship boyfriend gets a real boyfriend and things start to simmer, but that’s ok. I didn’t expect us to be playing mermaids in the pool forever.
You are the longest friend I have ever had and the first real friend I ever truly made. You are more than that, though. You are my sister and a part of my soul. We have gone through every life phase together and if a friendship can survive the battleground that is puberty, then I think it’s safe to say that friendship has a pretty good chance at surviving anything else life can throw. So here is life throwing.
You’re not replacing me, obviously, I mean that’s impossible. I’d like to see you get him to do your makeup as well as I do, I mean I’d even like to see you get him to do your makeup at all! Anyways I’m always going to be your OG main and you’ll always be mine. Just this time instead of doing hoodlum stuff we actually have to be responsible wedding planners but I’m excited for that too. I’m excited to see you in a dress and veil (probably going to do that heaving cry thing I do). I’m excited to plan your shower and bachelorette party (probably shouldn’t bring grandma to that one). I’m even excited to spend countless hours crafting making things that only really matter to us. But most of all I’m excited to be your Maid of Honor. That’s just one more thing we get to add to our friendship adventures!
Hey, it might be kind of fun to watch him try and handle us both together! I mean considering I’ve decided to move into your guys’ basement so you can never leave me. Just kidding! Maybe not, we will see how I feel after the wedding. I know this may seem like a little bit of a maid of honor speech but don’t worry this won’t even compare considering the real one will cause a crazy amount of tears and will be like three times as long. So we can just call this my pre-maid of honor speech!
I love you so much, way beyond words can describe! Buckle up baby, ‘cause this ride only gets crazier!