Before an exam, people will tell you to get a good night's rest, eat breakfast (even if you normally don't), and be energized for the day ahead. While all of these are good points, they won't be as effective if you only do them the night before. Good tips for exams will be most impactful if you start carrying them out a month before or even at the start of the semester. Here are a few tips that I hear most often.
1. Eating well and drinking plenty of water.
Yeah, eating well and drinking water will make you feel more energized, but if you want to get all the benefits from it, it's best to do it over a long period of time. Eating a salad for one day won't do you as good if you eat a salad once a day.
2. Studying the night before.
Studying should be done all through the semester. Forgetting what you learned in the first few weeks and then trying to remember it all in one night won't help you at all. If anything, start studying a few weeks to a month before so you aren't cramming.
I normally rewrite my notes. Repetition is a great way to retain important information. I also take frequent study breaks and switch up my subjects (study for English until I finish a few chapters, take a break, then study for Biology until I finish a few chapters, take another break, etc.)
For more tips on studying, check out my article about how I learned how to study.
3. Getting enough sleep.
Of course, you need enough sleep. If you doze off in class, the test will be no different, and sleeping in class also won't help you on the exam. If you're a night owl, make sure you start extending your sleep time a few weeks in advance.
4. Reducing stress
Don't use this week to start purging your belongings or deep cleaning your home. Chores and other obligations should be taken care of constantly and shouldn't be put off. If you absolutely need to, clean something during a study break or sit on the washer and dryers while you study your notes, but it's not good to have your mind filled with to-dos during your studying time.
5. Preparing to be prepared.
Just come in ready to take a test. Your teacher or professor will probably tell you what you need before exam day.
Start your day just like any other day. If you follow a routine, don't change it just for exam day. You'll feel more comfortable and relaxed if you just do your normal, everyday thing.
When it comes down to it, you know what you need to do to prepare for a big test. You know how much sleep you need or what your power food is. These tips have helped me in the past for tests I didn't think I was ready for.
Happy exam prep and best of luck!