In the beginning of the holiday season, I was having a conversation with a good friend. A very ordinary, very casual, very lighthearted conversation about Christmas cheer. After showing her a picture of my newly decorated tree, she replied with a short and sweet story....
...praying in front of a Christmas Tree. I thought it was a really touching story, but I didn’t think much of it. We set up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. Her words did not hit me until I was sitting in front of my own tree, right before I left to return back to school after Thanksgiving break. I knew I was returning to school for two and a half weeks of nonstop chaos. So before leaving my warm and cozy home, I sat in front of my Christmas tree, thinking about all the stressors that were pressing up against my emotions.
Praying in front of a Christmas Tree really is so special. I know that it’s cliche to say something like, “Let’s not forget what Christmas is all about." During the holiday season, you don’t necessarily have to go to church to prove you’re a good person. Christmas time is supposed to be filled with faith and hope, regardless of whether you go to church or not. The past few weeks at school were certainly stressful ones, as I felt as if the world was on my shoulders. However, one thing that kept me going was the faith and hope that I felt. Every time I saw a Christmas tree on campus, I felt a small glimmer of holiday cheer. Trees really can warm your heart, as their bright lights truly represent peace and good-heartedness. After a long night of studying in the library, I decided to stop by the famous Marist tree on my way back to my dorm. It was a really tough day, and I thought seeing the tree would cheer me up a little bit. I walked right up to the bottom of the tree and I closed my eyes and prayed. The overwhelming faith and light I felt praying underneath that tree is an emotion that’s hard to put into words. Amidst all the chaos going on in my life at that moment, I felt a sudden sense of belief, of acceptance.
It was a minute or two of stillness and silence, and the tree’s lights beamed a certain aura of hopefulness. So yes, I believe in praying in front of Christmas trees. Who knew a small conversation with a friend could change my view about this entire holiday season? I’m not going to force upon you some cliché holiday quote such as, “Keep Christ in Christmas," because that’s not what this is about. No matter what religion you are or to what extent you practice your faith, praying in front of a Christmas tree is truly something special. It may sound trivial, but amongst all this craziness, it is a small beam of hope.