I don't know where to begin. This has been one of the most anticipated and historical elections, at least of those I have been alive for. America is torn right now, but we are full of hope for the future. I pray that those who are living in fear right now find peace. I pray that even though you feel discriminated against, left out or unimportant, you realize how many people care about you and support you.
I pray that those claiming to be tolerant of all religions, races and beliefs make sure they are upholding said values and apply tolerance to every situation. My hope is that those preaching love and peace on social media are not bashing on others who don't believe the same as them; they understand that different people can believe in different ideologies.
I pray that Mr. Trump rises above the hatred and hurt this country is facing right now and leads us to a better America. Yes, I said it. A better America. The America I've seen over the past few days is bitter, broken down and angry. Burning the American flag, a symbol of our freedom and those who have fought to protect that for us, is utterly disrespectful. I pray those who are violently rioting and disrespecting the flag realize what damage they are causing.
I pray that those with opposing beliefs, values and even political parties understand that different does not mean bad. I pray they understand that just because a person voted for someone other than who they support doesn't make them a racist, liberal, bigot, homophobe, immoral, etc. The privilege of living in the United States of America is that it is okay to disagree with one another and express your own opinions... but you must respect differing beliefs.
Most of all, I pray that our country does not become divided over the results of this election. I pray that we, as Americans, can rise above the hatred and negativity being thrown around on social media (by both parties) and can respect the fact that Donald J. Trump is going to be our 45th president. A friend of mine said that inclusion of all people, which most of us support, is a good thing only as long as it includes those who may not think like you or have the same values as you.