You don’t have to be super religious to say a prayer. You can be an ordinary person, living an ordinary life. Just know when you open your mouth and pray to God, God is always listening. Don’t be afraid to pray. Pray when things are both good and bad. Now, I know some people just pray when things aren’t going their way, but you can’t forget to pray when things are going great. If you had a good week and don’t need anything from God, just simply thank God for all that you have. Thank him for allowing you to see another day, for the people around you. Don’t just stop and pray when the world around you isn’t good.
Now, if you are one of those people who never knows what to say when you’re praying, don’t even worry about it--say what’s on your heart. Be honest. I mean, you don’t necessarily have to pray to anyone, you can do it alone. That’s a conversation between you and God. It doesn’t even matter if you stutter in between each word or take long pauses between sentences, God will always have an open ear to you. If you want something to start off with, you can always say the Lord’s Prayer (Mathew 6:9-13). You can never go wrong with this. You can say this prayer then add something at the end of it. I mean it’s really up to you, just don’t be afraid to do it.
Praying is one of those things that has to come from your heart and you have to believe that God is going to take care of it after you finish praying. Don’t pray and keep on worrying about the same thing. Prayer is a very powerful thing and that’s something no one can take away from you. You don’t even have to wait until bedtime to pray, you can do it whenever; before you drive, when you get to work or school, or even when you’re just taking out time to walk and clear your head. Your prayer doesn’t have to be long and drawn out either. If it’s quick and simple trust me it’ll work, don’t think that it has to be a whole church sermon, because it doesn’t.
Besides praying for yourself and the things you want God to bless you with, make sure you’re praying for the people around you as well. Even the people you don’t really care for, or the ones who have done you wrong--you still need to pray for them. Yes, I just said that. Remember they are praying too, so you have to make sure you are praying on their behalf. And that doesn’t mean pray for something bad to happen to them, but more so to pray that God guides them. See how simple that can be? I also say pray for your friends and family. There can be a friend or family member that can be going through something they might not have told you about.
Pray and watch God work!