First off, I pray that while you're reading this, you still remember the amazing things that have happened to you so far.
I hope you never forget the little things, like your first kiss, high school graduation, and lifelong friendships that you created. I pray that you have accomplished your goals, but never forget where you started. I pray that you have found joy in your work, your home, and your family. As the going gets tough, I also pray that you still have a strong faith, because without it, you wouldn't be anywhere.
As I am writing this, I have a vision for my future, and who I want to be in it. I pray the relationships that I have formed are still strong, and if not, I pray that you try to mend them with the people whom we truly know we love the most. I pray you have found a passion, a true dream, and a purpose for your life, just as I am praying for one now.
I pray you still have dreams, and never stop believing that anything is possible. I pray you have created a family, and love them more than you ever thought imaginable. I pray you still ask for advice from your parents, and still have a permanent place in their home. I pray you are a role model to others, and to yourself, through the good times, and the bad. I pray you never lose hope, because you are capable of anything.
Most of all, I pray for your happiness. I hope you are living a life that is meaningful towards you, and towards others. I hope you are compassionate, brave, and still as strong-willed as I am today. I pray that you still see the best in everyone and every situation, even if it is still your biggest downfall.
I truly pray that you love yourself, and stay true to who you are, because there is no one more deserving of a beautiful life, than you.