I have been a student at Freed-Hardeman University now for almost a complete semester, and it is absolutely wonderful! FHU has met all of my expectations and exceeded several as well! But, there is a great concern that we the students of Freed-Hardeman University should have. Freed-Hardeman—a place we love and cherish, a place where we develop deep friendships, a place where we grow spiritually, the place where we have made some of our favorite memories—is at another critical moment in it’s history. It is time to select a new president.
Currently, the Board of Directors is facing the difficult decision of deciding who will be the new president of FHU. While the Board of Directors has the power to decide who our next president will be, the student body has the power of prayer. We must assist the Board of Directors in this difficult process by praying for them. The decision that they make will impact us, the current students, and also the students that will attend FHU in the future.
I encourage us all to pray for the Board of Directors as this decision is on their shoulders. This is a difficult decision and one that they will not take lightly. Pray that God might grant them wisdom so that they will choose a president who will work for the future of the FHU and will work for the students. The students want a president that we can build relationships with; one who will approach us and be friendly with us. We want to have a president who is seen on the campus during the day. Please pray that our next president will be able to handle the pressure of running the University and will also build relationships with students. Pray that our next president will be one that the faculty and students can respect. Pray for our future president.
As you pray for our future president give thanks to God for the presidents of the past. Give thanks for all those who have worked to bring us to where we are today. Give thanks for those people who have served as president and have created this University that we love.
Pray for Freed! Pray for the university we love!