Oh Divine Beings of Finals:
Please give us hope, as all students need it now more than ever. I know you see our bloodshot eyes, Cup of Noodles, study guides, and bottles of 5-Hour Energy. I know you know we haven't slept in days. I know you know that we probably should've started our final papers weeks ago and are rushing at the last 3 days trying to find out if we even know 1,250 words to meet a word limit. I know that we only have maybe 10 days to turn around the entire semester... "C's get degrees" is something I've been hearing for the past week. Oh Divine Beings of Finals, I know you see us suffering.
I ask that this finals week not kill us. I ask that you give us the strength and courage to write an entire paper -- no, two entire papers without paper cuts, spontaneous combustion, or crying. I ask that no one gets sick (failed step 1 on my end), and even if they are sick, I hope there is enough soup, water, aspirin, and cough drops to go around. I pray that everyone finds time to shower, shave, do their eyebrows, and still look presentable during their exams.
I pray that everyone's finals playlist is lit, and that it gets them through their all nighters. Hell, I pray that there are no all nighters. I hope everyone's D's become C's -- and hopefully even A's and B's. That way, we can all get to break, sleep, boxed wine, and home-cooked meals for the first time since God knows when. Here's to looking forward to Christmas Specials, gifts, and holiday joy.
In GPA's name I pray, amen.