On March 22nd, travel to and from Belgium was canceled, in response to the death of dozens and the harm of hundreds. Only four short months after the attacks on Paris, another act of terror has left humanity speechless, and filled with fear.
If you've been on social media applications or sites, clicked to or through any news channel, you've come across some information on the attacks that occurred in Brussels this Tuesday morning. In times of tragedy, the world stands still. But, millions are wondering what will be next. Will it be our city? Our hometown? When will all the good that exists in a world as beautiful as our own, prevail the presence of evil?
Since the attacks have happened, many are coping with the loss of their loved ones. And according to CNN, Belgium has declared a "national three-day period of mourning." Although they are unfortunately a city that is not "a stranger to terror" authorities have strengthened security even more; citizens of the city have been urged to remain where they are.
Outsiders have taken positive action as well. Celebrities have called to their fans for prayers. Facebook has recently updated a "safety feature" so those in the area of the attacks are able to let their loved ones know their status, by marking themselves as "safe." Paris has lit up the Eiffel tower with the colors of Belgium.
The hashtag "#PrayForBrussels" is trending worldwide on Twitter, along with the hashtags "#PrayForBelgium" and "#JeSuisBruxelles."
As President Obama stated the attacks are "yet another reminder that the world must unite, we must be together regardless of nationality or race or faith, in fighting against the scourge of terrorism."
For days like these, despite of all the chaos, all the tragedy, all of the loss, there is love.