Ever think Yale and Harvard get far too much attention in movies and television shows? Well, Pratt has made a few cameos itself!
1. "My Life As Liz"
"It's not even the final, but it feels like the final." ---Very true.
It wasn't until coming to Pratt that I realized it was the college Liz attended, which is odd because I loved this show in high school.
2. "The Carrie Diaries"
The CW
I remember walking to the store from my dorm and seeing the film set.
One of the main characters, Walt, learns he is accepted to Pratt at the end of the second season.
3. "Switched At Birth"
ABC Family
The main characters are Bay and Daphne, two girls in high school who were, as you guessed it, switched at birth. Bay applies to Pratt.
4. "Fringe"
Season 1, episode 2 "The Same Old Story"
Here is a very large, CGI placed in front of the Juliana Curran Terian Design Center, more commonly known as the Fashion Building.
5. "The Office"
In Season 5, Episode 1: "Weight Loss," Pam announces she is going to attend Pratt. It's mentioned a few more times on other episodes as well, and a few scenes were supposedly filmed on location.
Pam wears her authentic and paint splattered Pratt sweater with pride, though.
6. "Law and Order: SVU"
In season 5, episode 12: "Brotherhood," Pratt is disguised as Wallace University. The town houses on Willoughby Avenue are shown, one as "Tau Omega" fraternity house. Tables surround the Cannon sculpture (which was pink at the time?) for the sake of the scene.
7. "The Good Shepherd"
Apparently, bits of The Good Shepherd (directed by Robert De Niro) were filmed at Pratt. (If you can pinpoint the scene, comment below!)
8. "Debbie Does Dallas"
This adult film was shot in the Pratt Library's stacks and the gym locker room in 1978. Permission was granted for the production, but it is claimed that no one at Pratt knew what type of movie it was going to be; they were told it was going to be "different" and that they needed privacy. Read more about it here
9. "GhostBusters"
It is rumored that part of Ghostbusters was filmed at the Pratt Mansion, but I couldn't find any proof. What do you think? Could it be this scene?
10. "In Treatment"
April, a character, is supposed to be an architecture major at Pratt.
11. Billy Joel - "The Longest Time"
Billy Joel's music video features Pratt more than any other clip I've seen. It's also my favorite on the list.
Which is yours? Comment below!