How often do you get bored sitting behind a desk every day, all day? Well, if you're up to pulling some pranks, Jim Halpert is the man to take after. After all, pulling pranks on coworkers is basically included in his job description. Although, I must advise you to only pull these pranks only if you are sure that your job is secure, or if your boss likes you.
1. The Jell-O Prank
Jim served Dwight with a large Jell-O, which included an extra ingredient-Dwight's stapler. And no, this was not the first time Jim planned a delicious prank.
2. Copycat
What is the best way to handle an obnoxious coworker? Imitate them, of course! But not like siblings would do. This prank is actually quite simple: dress the part. When you show up in the same clothes, hairstyle, glasses, and talk in the same accent, they get a taste of their own medicine.
3. The Wrapped Desk
This prank is actually kind of an allusion. Jim made Dwight think that he actually wrapped his desk. However, in actuality, Jim did not wrap the desk, he just made it look like he had because there was no chair or desk. So when Dwight sat down he collapsed to the floor. Is there any other way to get a coworker to fall for you?
4. Your Double
Now, your double would not look like you. In fact, your double should look nothing like you. Jim asked a friend of his who happened to be Asian, to play him for the day. Dwight did everything he could to prove this man was not Jim, but the new Jim got away with it by showing Dwight a family picture which included Jim's wife Pam and their two children.
5. A member of the C.I.A.
Pam shows Jim a file of letters that she has been sending to Dwight over the past few months, making it sound as if the C.I.A. is trying to recruit him for a top secret mission. The "C.I.A." was able to get him to confess all of hi secrets, then wait on the roof for a non-existent helicopter, and finally-destroy his own cell phone.
6. The Vampire Prank
Jim slowly convinces Dwight that he is a vampire. Soon, Dwight is spotted looking up vampires and how they act. As well as what they like and don't like. One thing which Dwight catches this so-called vampire doing, is shielding himself from the sun. Poor Dwight, always looking over his shoulder. And if not for the vampire, for the never ending pranks that Jim has to offer.