To the one and only God of this universe, creator of all things
Oh Lord how you have blessed me. I am overwhelmed by your love. Give me a heart like yours to love unconditionally, to even those unlovely.
Thank you God for giving me life. Let me glorify you in everything I do.
Almighty God, thank you for my family. They have taught me how to love, good work ethic, compassion, and selflessness. They have guided me to becoming the woman I am today and for that I am truly grateful.
King of Kings, thank you for blessing me with two godly parents that I can look up to. Let me take their words of wisdom, endless love, their caring hearts, and so many more and reflect those qualities into my life.
Lord of lords, you are good all the time. Let me be a light in this dark wicked world. I will follow you all my days.
Abba, you are always with me. I surrender myself for your glory. Give me boldness to live for you and a voice that speaks confidently words of only truth.
Magnificent creator, you are gracious to forgive. Help me to forgive and not keep records of any wrongs.
There is no one higher or greater than you, God. Help me trust you through trials and through decisions I face now and in the future.
Praise to God for you are constant. Give me ears to listen and a discerning heart. Help me think before I speak, because that’s something that gets me in trouble a lot.
Holy one, I pray I honor you in my life. Teach me to have patience and to control my anger. Especially when my sister takes my clothes without asking.
God, I am astounded by your mercy and grace. Let me use my gifts and talents to bring glory to your name.
Lord, thank you for setting an example. Help me with my selfish heart. Give me a heart of a servant so I may serve as Jesus served. Let me have a mindset to put others before myself at all times. To be considerate of others needs or feelings before my own.
Father, thank you for all the opportunities you've given me. Let me take advantage of them and not get trapped into laziness by watching Netflix and eating cereal all day.
Thank you Jesus, or laying down your life for a sinner like me. I will boast in the Lord. I pray the world will see your life in me.