We have all heard this phrase in some way or another. Whether it be a gentle reminder when we are straying from our path, or maybe a firm scolding after we have betrayed what we say we stand for. This is a constant struggle as a Christian woman, especially attending a fairly large college. I have had my fair shares of times that I have betrayed God and betrayed myself, but that isn't who I want to be. That's not who I am going to be. Temptation in college is obviously very prominent, and it would be so easy to get away with anything if that was the intention. There are parties of some sort or another almost every night, and there are countless opportunities to "slip up" per say. When you take a bunch of kids who have been sheltered by their parents their entire life and give them their own place to live, the ability to make their own curfew, and the responsibility of making decisions for themselves for the first time, you are going to see a pretty big change. Some have the mentality that college is a time to party it up and do whatever you please. Others, including myself, have the mentality that college is a time to find out who you are and who you want to be for the rest of your life.
I'm not going to lie, being a Christian in college is not an easy task. Through all of the parties and "standards", there is most definitely pressure to be a "normal college kid". Not to mention time management has been a constant struggle and fitting Jesus into your day can be hard when you are failing 6 out of your 5 classes. But we have to realize that Jesus didn't make us a second or third priority when He laid down His life for us.
I try to be a good leader. Granted, we all have times that things aren't working right and we feel like we aren't good enough. But how can you expect to lead somebody to Christ when you yourself are not living for Him? We have to realize that sometimes we are the only version of the Bible that people are seeing. Some people may never open a Bible, listen to worship music, or step into a church, but they do see you. They see the way you gossip. They see the way that you demoralize other people and they see you betray everything you stand for. How can you expect them to want a relationship with God if you aren't living like He exists? On the other hand, they see you love people unconditionally. They see you forgive, just as we were forgiven. They see you spreading God's love and they see your heart being transformed every day. Which one is going to bring people to Christ?
There's a story in the Bible that has to do with a woman being caught in the act of adultery. She was brought outside to be stoned to death by her persecutors when they drew a line in the sand. They essentially separated themselves from the woman by this line when Jesus stepped across it. He wrote in the sand, and although we don't know what He was writing, the persecutors slowly began to leave. When Jesus stood up, He asked the woman "Where are your accusers, didn’t even one of them condemn you?” and the woman replied, "No, Lord." We can take a lot from this story about truth, grace and love. But the one thing that stood out to me was the fact that Jesus crossed the line that was drawn to separate the woman and essentially make her an outcast. As Christians, we are not called to draw that line and create separation, but rather to cross that line and offer love.
So let people know who Christ is by your love. Live by example and show them His good works through your everyday life. After all, it's His love that brought us here today.