As we all know by now, it's difficult to maintain those shiny resolutions we make every new year. I myself have stopped making New Year's resolutions because I have never been able to keep one for longer than a week or two. However, with the new year approaching once again, and the collective feeling of unhappiness with 2016 across the country, I thought I'd take another look at more realistic and achievable resolutions I could make for the new year. With hopes held high for the new year, here is my list of practical resolutions.
1. Take up a new hobby. While this is a common resolution, try something simple like knitting, or drawing, or even singing. You don't have to do the hobby every day, but if you learn a new skill by the end of next year, you've kept a resolution!
2. Read a book. Try reading a book every month or every two months. Maybe even set a number of books you wish to read by the end of the year.
3. Let go of the past. This resolution doesn't require much other than the ability to focus on the present and forgiving others and yourself.
4. Eat healthier. Whether you pick one day a week, or a couple days a month, try taking a certain food out of your diet or eating something healthier.
5. Stop procrastinating. Easier said than done for some people, but even the tiniest change in your work style could be for the better.
6. Take more walks. Not just for your health but for your mind. Explore your town, or a town near you, explore nature, explore your mind.
7. Get a new
8. Volunteer. You don't have to volunteer every day or even every month, but volunteering one day here and there can change your life in so many ways.
9. Meet new people. Go out and do things by yourself. Join a new club, go to a new bar, anything that doesn't include your usual group of friends.
10. Learn a new language. Okay, this one might be a more difficult, but even if you set a goal of learning 100 words in another language or learning 1 word in 20 languages, you could achieve this resolution.
11. Binge a show on Netflix/stop watching television. So I go back and forth between cutting movies and tv shows out of my life and watching all of them at once. So maybe this year, cut shows out of your life or add them in.
12. Learn to cook/bake a new dish. Even if you don't like cooking, learning any new recipe, even for a new drink, could end in this resolution being accomplished.
These are just a few simple resolutions you could make in 2017. I hope that whatever resolution you make this year, you're able to keep it. I also hope that 2017 treats us all a little better. Happy New Year!