7 Practical Christmas Gifts To Give This Year | The Odyssey Online
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7 Practical Christmas Gifts To Give This Year

It's time to get excited about gifts that you will actually use!

7 Practical Christmas Gifts To Give This Year

When I think about the holidays as a child, the BEST part was opening packages and realizing that the toys that I had circled in the big Sears catalogue had ACTUALLY ended up becoming mine. As I grew older, however, the gifts became more practical. Things like underwear, gift cards and once even new tires have been thoughtfully given, and gratefully received. But, let's be honest, even the desperately needed new tires weren't very fun to open. I miss the days of opening new roller skates only to see that Grandma Vi and Grandpa Bob had also gotten me the big pink unicorn carrying case to match.

The older I get, the more practical the gifts have become, so I thought I would share the best practical gifts I have been given that I was giddy to actually unwrap and use.

A KitchenAid stand mixer

Holy Sh*t, I was crazy excited to open this sucker. I bake challah fairly often and this big guy makes it SO much easier to whip up a giant braid. It has also inspired me to be a more "from scratch" cook. My tip: if you already have one, it's time to upgrade to the "pro" model. You can beat the daylights out of it! I HIGHLY recommend putting this on your wish list, and this week there will be killer deals on them. Here's the one I own to add to your list: http://www.target.com/p/kitchenaid-professional-5-...

Wicked Good Moccasins from LL Bean

Where to start on these... First of all, I am on my 2nd pair of these after having physically blew out my original pair. They are not only shearling lined, but they have a durable and rubber sole, making a trip out to the car late at night or an early morning dog walk WAY more cozy. They come in sizes to fit everyone and in an array of colors. I recomend getting them straight from the company: http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/18664?page=womens-w...

A 6 in 1 hammer

My husband has a big tool chest in the basement, but this little guy sits within a drawer in the kitchen. I have used this more times than I can count--for hanging pictures, repairing furniture and unscrewing the little covers on toys that hold the batteries in things. It's so handy, compact and efficient, you will wonder why you didn't own one before now. You can find a cute one here: http://www.pjtool.com/flower-hammer.html?gclid=Cjw...

A subscription to TIME

I laughed so hard when I got this one year. Who actually gives magazine subscriptions as gifts? Honestly, it was the "gift that keeps on giving, Clark." I felt informed and worldly every few weeks. It was nice to hold the paper in my hand and flip pages. TIME is one of the greatest publications in the world and I ended up looking forward to my new issue every two weeks. Give a subscription here: https://subscription.time.com/storefront/subscribe...

Sample bottles of my favorite perfume

Again, another gift I chuckled at. I got a dozen tiny bottles (like the ones that are given away at the fragrance counters) a few years ago. They are PERFECT for throwing into a clutch for a nice dinner or having in reserve in your purse. Plus, if it breaks, no big deal! It's just a tiny bottle, not an entire ounce. A variety of options can be found on: Ebay.com

6 packs of black ankle running socks

They just suck to buy. I know I need them, but I just hate buying them. All black is nice because then they don't show the dirt and they always match each other. I like Nike's take on running socks and they can be found at Kohl's : http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-1698767/nike-3-pk...

A Squatty Potty

Wait--hear me out. So I heard about this on Shark Tank and I was convinced. This is a stool that fits around the base of your toilet. You place your feet to the sides and it allows your body to properly adjust for the most... uh... "effective" excrement exit. After owning one for a few years, I'm telling you...pooping will never be the same. This is another product I recoment getting direct from the company, so send your family here: http://www.squattypotty.com/shop/product/ecco/?gcl...

While these suggested products may not be great for you, just remember--the holidays will never feel the say as they did when you were little. But, hopefully, the practacality of a well thought out gift will still be able to give you a wonderful holiday warm fuzzy.

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