Have you ever thought about the religious people who don’t believe in evolution? Or in any modern scientific thoughts? I’m not trying to denounce their faith, or say that they are wrong, just that if they’re going to believe so firmly in these ideas, then they should be consistent, don’t you think?
For example, there are some Christians who say that they believe in creationism rather than evolutionism. These people make me simply beg the question of, then you don’t believe in your beloved dog Fido huh? Because dogs evolved from wild wolves tens of thousands of years ago. So obviously you can’t allow pet dogs into your house, and you must certainly believe that no harm can come to you by them because they don’t exist. So instead, when your kids ask for a family pet, go out and catch a friendly wild wolf. Just don’t complain, “The wolf ate Johnny!” It’s not the wolf’s fault, it was never bred to be gentle with humans, never bred to not view humans as prey. The beautiful Persian cat lounging on your bed? Doesn’t exist. Once again, it is a domesticated species that has evolved over thousands of years. So Fluffy has got to go. Those nice slices of bacon you had at breakfast this morning? Gone. Never happened. Pigs are descended from wild boars that would gore you to death before just letting you corral it into a slaughterhouse.
Moving on from fauna, let’s take a look at flora. Flowers, for example, evolved in order for certain plants to have a leg up on reproduction, as they attract certain insects to spread their pollen to other plants. So no more roses on Valentine’s Day, and no more beautiful floral centerpieces at your next event. Fruit is also a way of plant reproduction, as the animals that consume the fruit then redeposit the plants seeds in new soil, allowing more plants to grow in a less populated area. Love apples? Not anymore. Peaches? Guess again. Tomatoes? Not likely. Have you ever had surgery and needed severe painkillers, like morphine? Guess again, morphine is derived from poppies, which are flowers. Let’s not forget codeine, which is also derived from poppies, and is in multiple painkillers as well as cough syrup.
So before you are tempted to denounce something, make sure that you understand just what the ramifications are. Take the time to actually research at least a little of how much influence whatever you are denouncing has on the world.