Finals week is upon us! Great. Maybe you’ve already taken your finals…maybe you haven’t. Mine are this week and I am not looking forward to it. This is how I have been staying on top of studying for this week and kept my cool.
1. Drink lots of water
Drinking water will keep you awake and alert. Staying hydrated is key!
2. Drink coffee/tea for those late nights
For those nights that you need to stay up, drink some coffee. If you don’t drink coffee, drink tea. Put some sugar or honey in it and you’ll be good. Everyone that I’ve seen this week have been coffee zombies.
3. Chew gum
Studies show that chewing peppermint gum while studying will help you retain the information better. It is also said that if you chew the same flavor of gum when you take the test that you’ll recall the information better. That may be an old wives’ tale, but it is a cool thought.
4. Take 10 minute breaks every 30 minutes of studying
The most effective way to study is to study for 30 minutes and then take a 10 minute break and repeat. That way you aren’t cramming to get all of the information in and your brain has a moment to relax.
5. Don’t study for one class for hours at a time
Take a break from studying for a particular class. Study for your psychology exam for an hour and then study for your history exam for an hour. Then, study for your psych exam again, and then history again. If you try and just study for one class for an extended period of time, your brain is going to get bored of what you are trying to remember and just shut down.
6. Study with friends in your class
It is always good to study with friends. Compare notes and talk about things you are confused about. Studying with friends always helps! Maybe they have an idea to remember something that you would’ve never thought of. It really helps.
7. Meet with Tutors
Tutors get paid to help you. Use them. They are the tutor for the class because they know what they are talking about. Chances are, they had the same professor that you have and they can give you pointers for this teachers’ exams. Tutors can help more than you know.
8. Don’t cram!
Do not just stay up the night before your final and expect to be able to remember everything. Take the whole week or more to study! You need it.
9. Sleep
I know that the last thing people do during finals week is sleep…but you need to. If you stay up for days on end, your brain is going to shut down and not function properly for the final. Your brain needs to rest. Get a good night’s sleep the night before your final so you are well rested and ready for your exam.
I hope this helps you with your finals. I know that this is what I am going to be doing this week. I hope everyone does amazing on their finals! You’ve got this!