1. Carrying your gym bag is basically cardio
2. Your stomach is a bottomless pit
3. Planning your life around your gym schedule
4. A "quick gym session?"
5. "Sumo is cheating"
6. When you realize you've spent two hours squatting and you still have to bench and do accessory work
7. "No chalk allowed"
8. Trying to find a trustworthy spotter when you bench
9. "How many sets do you have left?/ Can I work in with you?"
10. When someone brags about how they can bench more than you but they don't touch the bar to their chest
11. When you fail a PR attempt
12. "If you spend so much time in the gym, why don't you have abs?"
We lift for power, not aesthetics
13. When you see someone repping your 1RM
14. "You shouldn't squat below parallel because it's bad for your knees"
15. Any set above six reps
16. Hook grip
17. Calluses and blisters
18. When you wake up sore from squatting and you realize that you have to squat again today
19. When you're suffering through doing cardio and you look across the gym and see everyone lifting and having fun
20. Deload Week
21. Not knowing how to spend your rest days
But when it comes down to it, you wouldn't trade your workout routine for anything. Especially not cardio.