We are in possession of a time when we can do anything. There is nothing holding us back. We are a generation that can do anything we put our minds to. There is potential beyond any other to do amazing things in this world. So go out and do something to better this world.
As idealistic as it seems, the best thing to do is to just go and be great. We should leave this world better than when we came. Go and create. Harry Potter seems a likely place to find a quote to inspire a generation, so here it is.
Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth.
- Albus Dumbledore, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
It is a small number of words, but they hold great power. Youth is powerful. It feels like we are unable to do things because of age or resources but this is not true. There is always a wayIt just takes effort and time. Time is the greatest commodity of all. So go and do, because there is a lot to be done.