The most powerful women aren’t always the ones who seem the most bold or assertive, despite how quiet they may seem doesn't mean they aren't powerful individuals. They aren’t always the women stepping on toes to get what they want or the ones that are the loudest yet they still allow themselves to be heard
The most powerful women are the ones you don't see coming. They are the ones that build empires and cities while others sleep. The ones who plan their comeback game plan strategically and quietly. Their ability to self-validate doesn't depend on the approval of others.
These women may be bullied, shamed, criticized, and disempowered in many ways, by many different people but they all have one thing in common- and that is their ability to get themselves off the ground when they've been knocked down.
They have an inner guidance, an inner fire in their bones and an unshakeable faith that can seem startling to those who have a dependency on outside motivation and encouragement to fight for what they believe in.They know their only competition is their past self; they know that their aspirations and beliefs will pave a path for them that is unable to be replicated by anyone else.
These women are original in their own right. They can't be bought, sold or cloned. They have ownership over every facet of their existence. They possess a strong sense of self, an appreciation and an acceptance of what makes them different and unique. While others are busy censoring themselves and catering to others, powerful women are not afraid to walk alone if it means staying true to who they really are.
These women know they are at their bravest when they listen to their own gut instincts rather than the dark voices of society. Their intuition and talent allow them to go above and beyond whatever limitations others impose on themselves.
Their success comes as a surprise to anyone who has ever underestimated them. People may forget about them while they build themselves up to be the unforgettable human being they strive for. When toxic people attempt to latch on and feed on the fire that these women carry, they just get burned in the process. Powerful women are always bringers of truth and change as they expose the darkness of others by standing in the light.
The ones who are born into and from chaos are also the ones who will spark a revolution. Their victories stand alone, on their own terms, because they were created by the blood, sweat, tears, and resilience of these women.
You can underestimate these powerful women all you want because it will cause them to rise higher than you could have ever imagined.