A Powerful Must-See: PRICELESS | The Odyssey Online
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A Powerful Must-See: PRICELESS

"Where heart meets art."

A Powerful Must-See: PRICELESS


Cast: Joel Smallbone, Bianca Santos, Amber Midthunder, Jim Parrack, David Koechner

Director: Ben Smallbone

Synopsis: Inspired by true events, PRICELESS is a powerful drama/thriller about James Stevens who was, at one time, a good man with a great life -- but that was then and this is now. After the tragic death of his wife and losing custody of his little girl, James is at the darkest crossroad of his life. Angry, desperate, and unable to hold down a steady job, he agrees to drive a box truck on a shady, one-time trip cross country for cash -- no questions asked. But when he discovers what he is delivering is actually who, he is compelled to save two beautiful and frightened sisters who are unaware of the danger that awaits them. Can love, strength, and faith redefine his past and change the course of his future? This unlikely hero risks it all to save these women, confront the forces that oppose him and ultimately discover the life he was meant to live.(pricelessthemovie.com)

Release Date: October 14, 2016

I was very lucky to have had the chance to attend an advanced viewing of the new film from Christian band for KING & COUNTRY, followed by a Q&A session with lead actor Joel Smallbone, on Friday, Sept. 16 here at the lovely Belmont University. While it is produced as a Christian film, don't let that stop you from seeing it in theaters next month; PRICELESS is a dynamic story that centers around the critical issue of human trafficking to deliver its universal message:


Not only does the film have such a great meaning behind it, the film itself is also very well done. "Where heart meets art" was a popular quote of the night during our Q&A session, and I could not find it to be truer. Director Ben Smallbone does an incredible job telling the story in an engaging way. I may not know much of anything when it comes to cinematography, but I could tell the film was well made. I also loved hearing James's inner monolog/narration throughout his journey; I found it to be incredibly deep and honest, immediately pulling me into the story. The film's score also elevated the film in my eyes, and the dramatic soundtrack fit perfectly with the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed PRICELESS for its incredible story with a powerful message behind it. I was a whirlwind of emotions throughout the film, which I think speaks to how well the cast performed their roles. They were honest and raw and utterly moving to watch. I would highly recommend going to see this moving when it is released on Oct.14; you'll be inspired by the gentle courage of the character's to make a difference and show other's their true worth.


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