Have you ever been sitting in class wondering what you'll do to try and make a difference in this world, or even just the world around you? Have you wondered this same thing sitting at home on your couch? Driving to work? In the shower? During a test? While watching Netflix? Maybe while talking to your dog while he/she sits there and smiles at you waiting for a belly rub? If you're like me, then you're wondering about this all the time. How in the world are we going to be just as powerful as some of the great souls to have graced this planet? What good will we do? How can we influence people? How can we protect BILLIONS of people? What are we going to do when we don't have mentors guiding us?
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe we already do have the power to make a difference in the world? Students have some of, if not THE most powerful voices in the world. If we want our elders to hear us, we make a statement. It's already happening...
And it's been happening for decades...
Just a little reminder that while we may feel small in comparison to a world full of history and professions and people who hold themselves as superior to our existence based off of the motion of age, we are still L O U D. Society cannot plug its' ears when students begin to raise their hands to speak.
We are a collection of new thoughts and innovations. Our generation is the progression into an EQUAL world; a long time in the making, but worth the fight.
Do not feel belittled when someone tries to talk down your words. If someone pulls an age card on you to show their "dominance" pull your age card back, there's nothing to be ashamed of being YOUNG and EMPOWERED.
And if I had any advice as to how to get out and become more involved in protests, demonstrations, marches, and rallies, i'd suggest moving out of your safe space, wherever that may be, and allow your opinions to devour your mind.
Be Loud, Be Strong, Be Explicit ~ we're all listening.