How many times have you heard the saying “choose joy.” I am sure you have heard it just as much as I have, and it gets repeated so many times it is now a cliche–a commodity. When we hear and read phrases like “be happy” and “choose joy” it is easy to think yeah, okay I can do that without actually thinking it through and trying to live by it.
Until these last two years I was never a believer in the statement “happiness is a choice.” Because of this, I wallowed in self pity most of high school and the beginning of my freshman year of college. But college has a way of knocking you off your feet and putting you in situations you never would have dreamed you would be in; getting knocked down and lost made me ultimately find that happiness is, in fact, a choice.
I think the first time I truly believed in that was in the middle of a yoga class. Wow, so free-spirited of me? No. It was actually the most stressful yoga class I have ever taken. The instructor seemed to think it was a good idea to treat the class like everyone had been doing yoga for years; she tried to give poses I had never even heard of and twist us into pretzels. I was not zen, at all. But while I was maneuvering my body into the weirdest of positions she gave her little speech that yoga instructors like to give. She started with a simple question: have you chosen to be happy today? No, I hadn’t. So I started to tune her out as I thought back through the events of the day, the week, the year, and it turned out that I hadn’t chosen to be happy once. I replayed scenarios in my head in which I knew I did have to power to change my feelings. And ever since that day I have been determined to choose happiness.
Using your power to choose happiness everyday can be a daunting task, but I have found that there are some things that can make it a little easier.
Surround yourself with people who make you better.
This seems like such a cliche, but for me, it is easier said than done. I have a hard time with losing and letting go of people in my life even if I know their presence is not good for me. I am stubborn, but in truth, you should only hang around people you strive to be like. As you make strong relationships with people that have qualities you want to possess, you will not only exude positivity, but you will also begin to show those qualities as well. The main thing you need to look for in friends is honest constructive criticism. Make friends that will be your shoulder to cry on, but tell you when it is time to brush it off and get over it. As my best friend likes to put it: dry your eyes off, put some lipstick on and go show everyone how okay you are.
Find your coping strategies.
If getting into small spaces makes you feel better, do it. If putting your favorite song on repeat makes you feel better, do it. If hot baths with candles and a good book makes you feel better, do it. If long hours of Netflix binging with a box of Cheez-Its makes you feel better, do it. I have found that having set activities you go to when you are upset makes the world of difference of changing your overall emotional state. The main thing to remember, though, is that after you participate in your coping strategy snap out of it, and move on.
Remind yourself of your happiness.
I think it is imperative to find things in life that remind yourself of the power you have over your happiness.I am a huge believer of cheesy quotes. I am notorious for Googling or Pinteresting “inspirational quotes” and compiling them into a list that tells me how to live life. Whether they are from speeches, movies, book or songs, I don’t care. I love them, and I live by them. On top of cheesy quotes, I decided to get a tattoo that stands for everything I believe in. I see it every single day, and I do my best to reflect on its meaning. But hey, if those suggestions are too sentimental and touchy-feely find something else that is a daily reminder and pumps you up. For example, if you discover puppies remind you of your happiness then set pictures of pups as your backgrounds etc.
Never settle and always remove the things in your life that prevent you from growth.
I found that once I got a taste of having power over my happiness I could no longer settle for moping around and feeling anything other than happy. I recently got the best advice, and it made me have a well, duhmoment with myself. Someone told me recently that I have to stop putting myself in situations that would upset me or take away my happiness. Do not take on more than you can handle. Do not walk into places you know you will see people you don't need to see. Do not intentionally threaten your happiness.
I truly and honestly believe that happiness is a choice, but I do think it takes time and focus. By having a great support system, knowing how to cope, reminding yourself of your happiness and never settling you can, after all, "choose joy."