The goddess. The one. The only. Taylor Swift.
For as long as I can remember liking music, I have loved Taylor Swift.
Years later, I still love her. It's hard to explain why I have such a fascination with Taylor. I have so many friends that despise her and every time one of her songs comes on the radio, they immediately change it and say some rude comment.
My love for her is more than just purely about her, however. I love her music. If you are a young adult female, there is no way that she has never connected to you through a song. I have listened to her music during both the saddest and happiest times. Songs like "Fifteen" and "Stay Stay Stay" have sometimes so accurately described my life that I often wonder if TSwift follows me around.
The reality of it is, yeah like she said, my first kiss BLEW me off me feet. There is a time when I may have thrown my phone across the room hoping it would somehow hit my boyfriend almost 1000 miles away.
However, in each of her songs, these things have helped me think about my life and what is important. Yes, my first kiss blew me away, but my current boyfriend is more loving and caring than the boy who kissed me when I was fifteen. And yes, my phone may have cracked when it hit the wall, but after I listened to "Mine" or "Treacherous", I realized how ridiculous I was being and how important that relationship is in my life.
That is what makes her the best. She has a way of describing the lives of young girls all over the world without even knowing who they are. People will make fun of her and say she is trash...but not to me. I will always be a fan and will be thankful for the way she has helped me through her music.