We all of our favorite months. Whether it be because it's your birthday month, or your boyfriend or girlfriend's birthday month, or maybe it's part of your favorite season. Whatever the reason is, I have compiled a list that provides us with the only right way to rank the months, and to settle any debates once and for all. Here are your Gregorian Calendar Power Rankings:
Sorry guys, but you're gonna learn while you continue through this article that summer time is a sham. Sweating all the time feeling like I'm going to pass out every 10 seconds. It also has to be one of the most boring months. No holidays, no football, basketball, or hockey, and all hatred. Plus, it's usually the month a majority of us go back to school. So by default August will have to sit in the basement for lack of activities and enjoyment overall.
July is basically August, but with the luxury of at least one holiday. The weather is still awful, and prices to go to the beach and go on vacations are astronomical. The 4th of July is a catalyst for some great barbecues and parties though, so I definitely had to bring it above August. The fact of the matter is that just means that July got honorable mention to worst month.
May is an interesting month. I almost wanted to put it higher on my list solely because it is the month my father was born, but it's just too tough for me to look past the flaws. Yeah, you have Memorial Day, but it just does not bring much to the table. Spring (my 2nd favorite season) comes to a close in May, and the weather is beginning to get uncomfortably, sticky, and muggy hot.
You would think I would put June worse than May, but as much as I hate to admit there are some perks of June. Yes, it does get really hot. No, there are no holidays (unless you count Father's day). But so many things are happening in June. Grad parties, random barbecues, tons of gatherings and bonfires. There is a lot of adventure in the month of June, and for that, I need to give credit where credit is due.
It hurt me a little inside to rank April this low. It's basically in the heart of spring, and the weather is pretty solid other than being rainy. I had to put it this low because as a college student, this is the longest month of either semester. There hasn't been a break since the beginning of March, school is over at the beginning of May so it just feels like it drags and drags and drags along. Also, weakest of all the 12th birthstones (crystal).
February is this low because even though I like cold weather, it's by far the worst winter month. Somehow it's always one of the worst weather wise even though I feel like it should be the decline of the winter. Yes, you have Valentine's Day, which is a wonderful holiday for me because I have a significant other who I love very much, but this could be a sad and lonely day for a lot of people. I had to dock some points because of the emotional trauma that some people might experience the 14th of this month. The Super Bowl occurs in the 1st weekend though which gives it some consolation points. If the Eagles ever win one, February will have an automatic spot in the top five.
September is another month that was tough to position in this ranking. It's the tail of the summer, which is definitely a plus, but it still isn't really autumn-like or too enjoyable yet. It's basically month limbo. It's got the #3 birthstone (sapphire), but not an impactful holiday. Don't get me wrong, Labor Day is an important day to recognize and a well deserved federal holiday, but we've already had two warm weather barbecue style holidays in Memorial Day and 4th Of July. It's on the cusp of cracking the top five; it just needs a little extra push.
I give March a five, but not a very solid one. It gets a soft five because there are a few downsides, but some major upsides. It's a weird month because the transition from winter to spring usually isn't too enjoyable. It's wet, it's lukewarm, things are slushy and muddy and gross. However, a majority of our spring break takes place at the beginning of March, and arguably the most celebrated holiday in all of Pittsburgh is held in March. St. Patrick's Day is the real deal here and I wish everybody could experience it. It also contains the single greatest and most exciting sports event of the year with the NCAA Basketball March Madness tournament. These three events make March a top five perennial power, but once again, it just doesn't push the envelope enough to be truly elite.
October was very, and I mean very close to cracking the top three. What's not to love? Crisp autumn weather, pumpkins and hayrides and apple cider and pie and all of that good stuff. It didn't crack the top three simply because of the sheer strength of those three months. There are not really any downsides to October really. The only one I could see is a weak birth stone (rose zircon), and some bipolar weather here and there. Other than that, you have a month with great overall balance.
Oh December. This honestly might come as a shock to many reading this article that it's only number three. This month is led by the Brett Favre, the Wayne Gretzky, the Michael Jordan, and the Babe Ruth of all monthly attributes. Christmas time. Now, Christmas is not my favorite holiday. It's a close second. But it's very hard to beat that kind of atmosphere. The season of giving, baked goods and dinners as far as the eye can see. The most famous holiday of all time, and the most prominent figure in all of holidays with Santa Claus leading the way. It also has the #1 birthstone (blue zircon) making it an absolute juggernaut. Here is the reason it was not #2 or #1 and it isn't necessarily it's own fault. I have never lived somewhere where I've experienced a white Christmas. The fact that December hasn't been able to deliver on it's biggest day keeps it out of the top two. Other than that, complete monthly powerhouse.
The month that hits closest to home for me: my birthday month. Yes, I may be a little biased here, but it's not for no reason January is #2. Yes, it's the heart of winter, but I'll take a beautiful snowy day with twinkling snowflakes over a sunset in Hawaii or a sunrise in Italy. I just feel like nothing can match its beauty. New Years Day is a day that signifies new beginnings, new hope, and a fresh start. Plus, if December could deliver on the weather with snow as effectively as January did, maybe it would have cracked the top two.
Talk about a dark horse pick, but ladies and gentleman, November has by the far the highest value and performance of any of the other months. It contains the best holiday in Thanksgiving. A time where we can reflect on what we're grateful for, and appreciate what we have. And,of course, the food is absolutely baller. The weather is the essence of fall, which is also the best season so you can't beat it. Plus, sometimes there will be a little surprise of snow here and there which cuts out disappointment, and replaces it with pleasant surprises. It has a solid top five birthstone (topaz), and the atmosphere and events that occur in this month are second only to March Madness. The heart of the NFL and college football season, the beginning stages of hockey and baseball, and sometimes even the tail end of the MLB season with the World Series. It is an absolutely stacked month with no weaknesses. It gave me no choice but to give it the #1 spot in these rankings.