The official first trailer for the upcoming power rangers movie just recently came out. For the most part I thought the trailer was really good. I enjoyed power rangers quite a bit as a child and the marketing has got me optimistic for the new film. The trailer starts out similar to the previous teaser trailer we got a couple months ago. We see our future rangers stumble upon alien like technology then they get superhuman abilities. What I found most interesting about the trailer was it looked like the kids had powers even without the suits on. In the original series they had to be in the suits to use their powers. In the trailer though we see them training out of the suits with superhuman abilities.I like this change because they won't be helpless without the suits on.
My favorite part of the trailer is when they morphed into the power rangers. The updated suits look great there armored suits compared to the spandex of the original series.The action scenes look well choreographed, I'm hoping for no shaky camera because that's one of the most annoying things in movies today when action starts to happen but the audience can't see anything due to the camera shaking. We also get to see the rangers in the giant dinosaur tanks. I wasn't overly impressed with the CGI for a 125,000,000 million dollar budget. I thought it would look a little better, but for a power rangers movie I'll be a little more forgiving. At the end of the trailer we get to see a giant creature that I'm assuming is Goldar. I'm really excited to see this battle at the end it will bring some nostalgia to many.
We also get to see more of Rita Repulsa who is the biggest villain in power rangers lure. Elizabeth Banks looks great in the role, she's a little less over the top compared to the Rita from the original series, which is nice that voice could be quite annoying at times. Another thing that landed in the trailer was humor. This trailer is in not way as over the top cheesy as the original series was, but it's still keeping some of that classic cheesiness we all love. Some concerns I have involves the acting. Some of the line delivery felt a little clunky, but it's hard to judge performances in a trailer. All of the rangers are young and pretty inexperienced actors so I'm sure there will be some growing pains in the movie. One other concern I have is when they will actually get the official suits. I'm hoping they don't just use them for the final act of the film. The way the trailer was cut made it seem that way. I would like to see them kick some ass in the suits before the final confrontation with Rita and Goldar. We are only a couple months away for this movie and it will have some stiff competition with Logan and Kong: Skull Island being released in march as well.