So something really amazing happened and I don't have any other way to express my excitement about it other than writing an article on it.
My mom shared something with me a few weeks ago that honestly terrified me. She told me there has been a mass growing in her stomach for over nine years. This year, it had gotten so big that it literally looked like there was a baby growing inside of her. My mom has always complained about stomach pains, but I never thought anything of it. My mom doesn't like going to the doctor. She's the type to get shot in the leg, throw a bandaid on the wound, and call it a day instead of spending one waking moment at the doctor.
Well, a few nights ago I had two friends call me out of the blue. One whom I haven't spoken to in a very long time. At the time I was lying in bed with my mom binge watching Netflix. They said they were at a church service and they felt God telling them to call me up and ask if they could pray for me and my mom. My mom cries over everything so when she heard that, I could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she nudged me to accept the offer.
They started to pray for healing over my family. Specifically, my mom. I was in awe over the words that were spoken over me and my family. They knew nothing about this mass growing in her stomach that could potentially put her life in danger. When they closed in prayer, my mom was a mess and I was just speechless. I was speechless over the fact that these two friends of mine had no idea what was going on with my moms health, in my family, even in my own personal life but still called me up to pray for us because God had laid it on their hearts.
A few days ago, my mom called me into her room because she had something to tell me. Usually when she says that, I will walk in and all she says is "I love you. That's all."
This time was so different. I walked into her room and she was sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes. She said, "I never told you this but the morning after your friends called me, I woke up and my mass was completely gone. I couldn't see it or feel it anymore. God completely healed me Carli."
Wow. Just wow. I mean we have read about the miracles Jesus performs in the Bible...turning water to wine, casting out spirits, healing the blind, etc. But my own mom? This brought prayer to a whole new level for me.
"The miracles that God does don’t just reveal His sovereign power. I think they reveal His sovereign care for every minute detail of our lives."
-Mark Batterson
God doesn't only perform miracles because He loves us an infinite amount. He does it because it reveals His glory. My two friends that called me that night were not just praying over us, but they were seeking Jesus. And like Mark Batterson says, "If you seek Jesus, you’ll eventually find yourself in the middle of some miracles. Why? Because that’s who Jesus is. That’s what Jesus does."