To many people, they never question why they really are, they are born, go to school, get a job, have a family, and are content with life. Anything they may identify may be transparent, or they may never need to fear being "found out"
This is not how it is for most of the LGBT Community.
For much of the community, coming out is a hard process and takes many years in the making. Nearly 50 percent of all homeless youth are part of the LGBT community, and LGBT youth are two to three times as likely to face mental health risks or suicide attempts.
This past week on October 11th, an International celebration is created in International Coming Out Day, which is a day that members of the LGBT community come together and take pride in who they are, showing their true colors and identities.
While this celebration is such a beautiful thing, people don't realize what it means to be out.
Being out is so much more than saying your sexual orientation or gender identity, it is first and foremost acknowledging who you and how you feel, and showing it to the world that you are not afraid to show who you are.
There is much freedom in finally acknowledging what makes you well, you, and sexual orientation and gender identity are interesting in the fact that they are not transparent. For many LGBT community members, people only know their identity by word of mouth, and obviously, for many trans individuals, it may become physically noticeable at some point.
The point is, When people come out, they aren't coming out as blue eyed or brown haired, they are showing a part of themselves that no one has ever seen before, and they are finally able to show that part, without fear or shame, and that is a feeling everyone needs to feel about themselves. That is why there is such a power in coming out.
So please, by all means, show your true colors, no matter what they may be, because as long as you aren't harming anyone, your colors are as amazing as you.