Since high school, I have noticed a pattern. For some reason, people think that it is way too cool to talk to people out of their comfort zone. This has always baffled me. Always. I will never understand why when you smile at people, they do not smile back, and when you go to say "hi" to someone who you think needs a "hi," it is considered crazy.
This is our culture. Communication is frowned upon, and talking to friendly strangers is rare. But forget that. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I think I'm pretty cool — decent, at the very least. A "hello" or a "how are you doing," to someone to make them feel special can make their day. You just need to be brave enough to try it. Also, present yourself in a way that makes others feel safe walking up to you.
Isn't that crazy? It's crazy how a greeting takes bravery. However, you never know where a "hello" may get you. When you ask the person sitting alone how they are doing, someone else notices. That makes them realize that being kind really is cool. Trust me, I've seen it happen. Then, they just may do the same.
What I am trying to get at is that approachability and kindness are attractive qualities. I hate to tell you this but, you are no better than anyone else. Also, no one else is better than you.
Be kind. Reach out. Be somebody that makes everybody feel like a somebody. You never know where it may get you.