Throughout my lifetime, when I would get asked the questions,
“Who do you look up to?”
“Who is your role model?”
I would always answer with,
“My mom.”
I will always answer with “my mom.”
The power of women is so strong, especially a mother. My mom has the power to heal a broken heart. I’m not kidding when I say she's my superhero. Women ARE superheroes. She taught me a lot of life's most valuable lessons. She's always been there to catch me every time I fall, and she never once has said to me, “I told you so” even though I know I would have been very fitting to many situations.
My mom is so strong. She has the best mentality, she gives me the best advice. Just the power of her touch has the ability to put me at so much ease. It’s the one thing I miss most, being away from home.
My mom is so smart. I’m not just talking book smart, but life smart too. She has all life knowledge a human can hold. She’s been through it all and has never failed to give me advice that’s so fitting to any situation I've been in.
My mom is so understanding. Whenever I’m stuck in a rut and it feels like no one will ever understand me, she's there to let me know that I’m never alone and that I’m so well loved. She tries her best to be as open-minded as possible when she's talking to me because she knows how stubborn I am. *SPOILER* She is always right at the end of the way.
My mom is so loving. Her love carries my family. My dad always says, “happy wife=happy life” and I can not stress to you how important that statement is in my household.
If my mom is upset, you can feel it throughout the whole house, I promise you. She always tries her best to keep a positive vibe throughout the house. She sacrifices so much of her emotions for us, but I know my mom way too well to let her get away with that.
My mom is my best friend. Friends come and go, but your mother is bound to you for life. She's never let me down, betrayed me, or hurt me. She always gives it to me 100%, even when it’s not something that I would want to necessarily hear. She’s accepted me in every phase of my life and she has never once judged me. She makes sure I'm headed for success and that I have life together. She never wants anything less than the best for me. She shows me what it’s like to have support and genuine happiness. She is my definition of a ride or dies.
My mom is everything I aspire to be as a woman. She walks around with her head held high and confident. She is an amazing wife and mother. I strive to be as educated and as knowledgeable she is, I hope that one day I can at least be half the woman she is. I love you, Mom!!!