I know a fair amount of single young women who are constantly on the search for the perfect partner. These girls are all extremely attractive, intelligent and charismatic to boot. So what's keeping them from finding Mr. Perfect? Unrealistic expectations of course!
Most of these expectations surround what I like to call the the power couple myth. It's as if every girl I know is determined to be equal part of a power couple that works out together, meal preps together and all of that other #goals bullshit. On multiple occasions I have heard my girlfriends complain about how they are so into a guy, borderline love, but they just can't get over his "lack of motivation".
Not trying to get your 3rd Master's Degree? BYE. Enjoy spending time with your mom? BYE. Happy with your low-paying job because it satisfies you intrinsically? BOY BYE.
This mentality isn't helping anyone.
Many women have worked for so long to ensure our worth is not determined by superficial standards but instead who we are as people. So why are we suddenly too good to be with a man we may be very much in love with because of the same superficial standards?
Now it's a nice idea, don't get me wrong. But do you sincerely believe a man who works 40+ hours a week, works out on the regular and manages to dress well while you are doing all of the same stuff really has time to commit to a serious relationship? Or a family for that matter?
Most of the women I know who struggle with this issue are go-getters. They are busy, motivated, hard-working and take no shit. This idea that relationships are only goal worthy if both of the people in the relationship are constantly on their hustle is crazy! In this new age, women can make enough money to support a family, so why are we so determined to have a man who works as hard as we do? Is it such a terrible idea to imagine being with someone who challenges traditional gender roles? Is it so bad to have a man who would rather stay at home and raise kids, cook dinner and clean? I certainly don't think so.
Now ladies, don't get me wrong, you 100% deserve a man who treats you like a queen! But what if I told you your search for the perfect man who also has an incredible work ethic, makes tons of bread, doesn't have any female friends and who's mother is dead is unfortunately pretty fucking non-existent?
I don't want you to lower your standards in regard to how you wanted to be treated, that is key. But you also shouldn't discount a man based on his wealth or lack there-of. The power couple idea is great and I'm sure all of those couples making you jealous on Instagram are living the best lives ever, never fight and spend every chance they get curled in each others arms (obviously this is the sarcastic portion of the article). But I really implore you to think about what that looks like in 10 years. Are you both working constantly? Do your kids ever see you? Does your dog even like you anymore? He spends way more time with the dog-walker, so probably not.
Take a moment to think about where your values really lie, what you want for your future and how dedicated you are to your own success. Then make the decision to end or continue a relationship. If you truly love someone, you will accept them for who they are and not try to push your own selfish desires on them. The power couple is awesome, but so is the couple who do everything to support one another and grow together.