The other day, I found myself perusing the hanging baskets outside my grandparents' house. Suspended above the porch, blossoms of deep purple and fuchsia grew. Their faces were made sprightly by the sun. After sticking my nose into one to draw in the fragrance, I commented on the lovely pots to my Grandfather. "This is what I live for, Chels: looking at all the beautiful flowers."
In a chaotic world stained by shootings, rape, natural disasters and diminishing morals, the need for relief has grown immensely. The outcry for beauty resounds within us, even now. We live for beauty; our souls yearn for it. Yet, for many of us, beauty lies solely in appearance. Beauty, however, can emerge in different forms such as:
The smile of a friend.
Joy displayed on the face of a companion or someone you love is incredibly beautiful. Spending time with those you cherish serves as a great reminder of the God who created us for relationships with one another. Beauty sparks from reveling in one another's company.
A good cup of coffee.
Or tea. Something magical happens when coffee grounds, water, cream and sugar unite in a perfect blend. A beautiful harmony is created by that cup of caramel-tinted liquid and should remind you of the One who glories in making even the little things majestic.
Whether it's through written or spoken word, painting, playing an instrument or building a house, beauty arises when we imitate the Creator with our gifts. When we are engaged in doing what we were made to do, we offer a beautiful sacrifice of gratitude to our Maker.
One of the most profound ways we experience beauty is through the earth around us. Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens proclaim the glory of God." The fiery orange of a sunset, the translucent surface of a lake and the fierce face of a tiger all point towards the beauty that is above.
When you're feeling overwhelmed by the darkness of this world, remember the power of beauty to revive the soul. As Philippians 4:8 reminds us, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Ultimately, every form of loveliness points to God, the greatest source of beauty ever known.
So today, allow yourself to dwell on the beautiful things God has crafted. Fix your eyes on the beauty of the eternal and you will find that hope follows.