This is a response to “Five Tips For Success In Your Last Semester Of College.”
As a senior graduating in about a month and a half, I admit that I’ve been having a wide range of feelings, from nostalgia to excitement and everything in between. These past few months, I’ve tried to remember all of the things that I’ve done and whether I’ve done enoughon campus. However, as we head into the home stretch or the last lap, I’ve felt a great amount of gratitude for the experiences that I’ve been privileged to have and the people I’ve been blessed to meet.
I would recommend taking a moment to really take the experience in. Like actually pause and recognize how far you’ve come. The other day I picked up my cap and gown from my college’s bookstore and after opening the package I stared at the pieces for a few moments, realizing how much graduating means to me, especially as a first-generation college student. Sure, the note in the package that said HANG THIS GOWN UP IMMEDIATELY took me out of my deep appreciation for the college experience real quick but still. Soak in those moments and take time to recognize how well you’ve done and the hard work that you’ve dedicated throughout the years.
If you’re in a student organization, try to be more active during your last semester. If you’re in a leadership position, take this as an opportunity to mentor and help the next generation that is coming after you. This may feel like an I’m hanging out with my replacement, I’m so old moment but showing underclassmen the importance of the work your organization does can benefit both parties. You realize the impact that you’ve had and they see the potential of what they can do and try to do better. Like I said, ouch, but important.
Something else I’ve been doing recently is running around campus. Now, you obviously don’t need to run to appreciate your time in university. Even though I’ve been running more regularly for the first time since high school, I still agree that running sucks most of the time. However, I’ve incorporated going around to different parts of campus that I don’t see while walking to my classes, such as reminiscing on where I lived freshman year and how much I’ve grown as a person since. Taking advantage of the beauty of your campus is a great way to reflect, whether it’s going on a walk, drive, or subjecting yourself to a run.
The last semester of college has flown by for me. I feel like I got back from winter break, blinked, and my mom shouted “Only 46 more days!” during our call earlier today. However, as we begin April, I feel content in knowing that I made it to my last full month and what I have achieved. Although I’m graduating a year early and will be leaving behind the majority of my friends, I feel their love and support. One of my goals is always to be in the present at the moment, especially with the people I love. I encourage you to do the same! Be present and be proud of your achievements!