I have never been in that great of physical shape. I would like to say that it is for some weird reason, but it's because I didn't learn how to take better care of my body until recently. Regardless, I have spent most of my young adulthood being self conscious about how I looked and doing nothing about it until recently. I decided that I had had enough of that. In the quest to find something that would improve my physical appearance and make me feel better at the same time, I discovered that one of the oldest forms of exercise in the book was the one for me.
I actually love running, and here's why.
It burns HELLA calories.
That's pretty much what I'm after to be perfectly honest. If you want to really get crazy, do some strength training with it.
Being sweaty from running is way better than being sweaty any other time.
It's so gross but also so satisfying.
You burn off the day's annoyances and frustrations.
Taking a deep breath at the end of the run is one of the best feelings in the world.
If you don't feel like redoing your hair, makeup or outfit, you have a good excuse for looking like a total ragamuffin.
"Oh no, I ran this morning and didn't have time to take another shower." It's foolproof.
You can look really dumb, and that's fine because anyone who's judging you is probably doing it because they should be out running too.
Unless you've been running for years longer than the rest of us, running is not the most graceful exercise. Please embrace your awkwardness.
It's a fabulous buddy exercise.
It's much nicer if your running buddy is pretty close to you in terms of speed and skill, but at the same time, make sure you can push each other and hold one another accountable.
There's a million cool fitness apps to make your run a thousand times better.
Spotify detects your pace and plays songs AT THAT PACE. We are living in an advanced world, my friends.
Speaking of music, you get all of the opportunity in the world to play music that makes you feel like Rocky.
The more inspirational, the better.
You get to buy the coolest clothes and shoes in the active wear world.
Then you'll wear it all of the time because it's much easier than picking out dressy outfits when you're going to hit the treadmill later anyway.
No matter how slow or how far you ran, you feel good about yourself because you got out there and did what you didn't think you were strong enough to do.
It's not about how good you are, it's about how good you feel. Even if you think you are the worst runner in the world, still go out, do your thing and feel great about yourself.