How A Potterhead Feels When She Gets to See Harry Potter And The Cursed Child | The Odyssey Online
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How A Potterhead Feels When She Gets to See Harry Potter And The Cursed Child

My reaction to seeing my favorite characters in the flesh. SPOILER FREE!

How A Potterhead Feels When She Gets to See Harry Potter And The Cursed Child
Sarah Laurent

Growing up, and even now, the Harry Potter series was always one of my favorite things. I was only three when I went to see the first one in cinema, and after, my sister (another massive Harry Potter fan) and I both made sure we always went to the cinema to see the following movies the day they came out. Harry Potter taught me a lot about life but also about myself, and it definitely shaped me in the most positive ways.

That being said, you can imagine what happened when we saw J.K Rowling announced a continuation of the Harry Potter stories... My sister and I were thrilled. However, the excitement faded to disappointment when we learned the new story was actually a play in London, and we wouldn’t be able to see it.

Nonetheless, I persuaded my mother to let me buy tickets for my sister’s Christmas. I got two tickets in September 2015 to go to the play December 26… 2016. We waited for more than a year, and now, it’s already over.

We arrived in London early, and as soon as we dropped our baggage at the hotel, we went in search of the theater. As we arrived, we saw the beautiful front of the theater, and people with Harry Potter scarfs already gathered around. We got the tickets, and when I held them, I finally realized it was real. I was really going to see my all-time favorite characters live! I couldn’t wait for the play to start.

When I entered the theater and the play began, I couldn’t help but feel at home. Even if the plot could have been better, just seeing the characters who taught me so many things, right in front of me, made me want to jump on stage and thank them personally.

The original characters are, most of the time, true to what we know, the next generation is endearing, and all of the actors are spot on. Magic truly happened on stage (in more ways than one)!

I truly enjoyed watching the play. So much so, it seemed to me time went faster than usual. I felt like I belonged there, in the Magical World, and I realized no matter my age or my state of mind, the Harry Potter stories will follow me, help me, and make me feel at peace. Always.

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