Post-Weinstein and Pre-Oscars: 8 Powerful Female Movies to Rock Your Feminist Socks | The Odyssey Online
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Post-Weinstein and Pre-Oscars: 8 Powerful Female Movies to Rock Your Feminist Socks

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Post-Weinstein and Pre-Oscars: 8 Powerful Female Movies to Rock Your Feminist Socks

"Good evening ladies and remaining gentlemen," spoke an eager and excited, Seth Myers - the host of the 2018 Golden Globes.

Armed with black dresses and powerful feminist statements, the Golden Globes was only the beginning for #MeToo and Time's Up.

The first major awards show to follow the explosive allegations of powerful Hollywood men like Harvey Weinstein and Mario Testino, the Golden Globes set the bar for this year's award show season.

While the Golden Globes awarded female frontrunners "Lady Bird" and "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" for separate best movie wins, the rise of the female favorites have begun to take hold.

Setting the new award show standard, the Golden Globes further prove the influence of powerful movements, with even more powerful women.

As we continue to literally watch this movement unfold, here are 8 movies with a strong female presence. Maybe one day #FemaleFilmmakerFriday will be known as #FemaleFilmmakerEverydayNotJustFriday.


The Desert Bride (September 21, 2017)

A Spanish film that debuted in 2017, tells the tale of a a 54-year-old mother as her life begins to unravel. After working for many years as a domestic worker, she is forced to pick up the pieces of her life and start over once her employer sells the home in which she works.

The Guardians (December 6, 2017)

Set during the Great War, this story tells the incredibly strong story of the women and wives left behind to fight for survival, while their men and husbands fight in war.

Hannah (January 24, 2018)

After the imprisonment of her husband, Hannah begins to envision the life she is now forced to live. Unable to grip with reality, she must fight her own thoughts and come to terms with her newly found, lonely life.

Red Sparrow (March 2, 2018)

Starring Jennifer Lawrence, this thriller depicts a Russian intelligence agent who is recruited to use her body as defense. Put to the test, Ballerina Dominika Egorova soon realizes her own strengths at the protection of national security.

Unsane (March 23, 2018)

After being involuntarily committed to a mental institution, Sawyer must battle the worst enemy - herself. Once a patient, she is forced to recognize her deepest fears and problems, as well as the real from the fake, as well as coming to terms with the newlyfound world around her.

Hichki (March 23, 2018)

This more uplifting movie tells the story of an inspiring woman in her fight to survive. Diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, she soon learns her biggest weakness is actually her biggest strength in life.

Disobedience (April 27, 2018)

Starring Rachel McAdams, this darker film depicts the scorned relationship of a woman and her lover. After being forced from her home, she begins to welcome the sexual attraction, and the two women begin to explore their own desires and fantasies.

Nasty Women (August 10, 2018)

Due out in summer of 2018, this female powered, comedic re-make stars Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson. A re-make of the 1988 comedy, 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' in which two powerful, women con-artists engage in a contest till the end.

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