Post it notes are a brilliant idea! They are a very useful tool in many situations and have a boat load of other uses. I use post it notes on a daily basis from writing my daily schedule to a quick place to write down my thoughts. I literally keep about 4 packs in my backpack and one or two post-it notes in my pocket as a quick way to jot down ideas or to remember something. What really sets these papers apart is the sticky side of post-it notes, it gives them the ability to stay put on a surface such as a desk or wall and the ability to move them around to your liking. You then can write down multiple notes and move them around to help you create a timeline or a create an organization that fits your project.
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If you didn’t know, post-it notes are made very commonly as perfect squares, some 2 by 2 inch or 3 by 3 inch. I use this feature of post it notes to make origami. Most designs for origami start as a square and then can be folded into a piece of art. Turning post-it notes into origami is a great way to reuse them and create a gift for people. It also fills the time when your bored and it can help relieve some stress or anxiety. I would highly suggest looking into some simple origami designs and trying them out with a pack of post-it notes. Careful the adhesive section of the post-it notes can make it difficult with some designs!
Post-it notes have also been used to make some amazing murals. I am such a big fan of the post-it note murals as they represent that one piece may not seem like a lot but if you put a whole bunch together it becomes something greater. My school actually did a mural before the students returned to campus, it was a pokemon go theme that turned out really awesome. This idea expands so much farther as it has been used by students on campus by using the small pieces of paper to create images in their windows. They range from smiley faces to words and other ways people choose to express themselves. This is an awesome and simple way for people to have an outlet to art for themselves!
Going along with the idea of post-it note murals another use of these squares has been pranks. I have seen pictures of whole rooms or objects covered in post-it notes. I have personally only done the inside of a locker multiple times and it just blows people away by the surprise. I find this to be a great pank as it has very little chance for damage and can be set up quickly with little supplies. So if you ever need a way to pull a fast one on someone look up some post-it note pranks and get to work!
So the next time you pass up a chance with these perfect little squares of paper take a pack and see how you can use them. Make a piece of artwork, use it for studying and see how many times daily they can come in handy!