Life of a college kid during midterm week is not so much hell but purgatory. It’s the little taste you get of what finals week will look like. I look at it as the time that starts your slow progression into finals week. When I refer to finals week, I really mean month, finals month. Not week. Because this so called “week” is really the entire time after midterms up until your very last test of the semester. This is the time where professors love to throw everything at you, and make claims such as “you knew about this from the beginning of the semester” and you’re sitting there thinking, how am I supposed to prepare for a final paper during the beginning week of classes. I mean damn, sometimes, I don’t feel like I start to understand the information entirely until midterms. And don’t judge, you know you feel the same way.
From here on out, and I haven’t taken one midterm yet (pray for me y’all), I will be preparing for three presentations occurring all in the same week (yay me!), five final essays (10+pages), and 4 final exams. On top of all the short essays, homework, tests and quizzes that will occur in the midst of everything else. I know I signed up for this, but where can I sign out? I’m kidding but I know, speaking upon my behalf, that around this time I really start to question if all of this will REALLY be worth it in the end. And then I start to read a cheesey article, like this, about how going to college was the best decision someone’s ever made and I am back on the path to graduation.
College is hard. No they really weren’t kidding when they said that to us. It’s not a walk in the park and shouldn’t be. But I’m still going to complain about it until I completely finish all six years of schooling, with hopefully three degrees… Yes, you read that correctly. Three. Praying/hoping to God, I walk out in only six years with my bachelor's, law degree, and masters… But it will be worth it. I know it will, at least someday.