I just got my Bachelor's degree! My life is just beginning and I have endless opportunities at my fingertips. I'm young and single and should be on top of the world, right?
Post-grad hasn't been my favorite season by any means. I spend more time laying in bed scrolling aimlessly through TikTok, making unnecessary Amazon purchases, and desperately fearing the future than I'm willing to admit. I'm constantly wondering and praying about what's next for me when I should be enjoying where I'm at. But the reality is, I can't wait for this season to be over.
23, still living at home, and not a relationship in sight. Meanwhile, my little sister just got married and moved out, my younger stepbrother's wife just had a baby, and I get to stand next to my best friend on her wedding day. Don't get me wrong, I am SO happy for all of those things. I've always wanted a little brother (in-law), I'm in my auntie era thanks to my sweet nephew, and I've never been closer to my best friend.
But part of me is also a little selfish. I want it to be my turn. I want my happily ever after and I want to be a mama one day. I'm tired of feeling like I'm behind in life because all I have is a fancy piece of paper with my name on it. While everyone around me is making big moves and big life changes, I'm still sleeping in the bedroom I chose at 17 and living with my mom (who I never moved away from).
But at least I have a degree, right?