You can breathe again.
You survived.
Now it's time to focus on some post-finals self care. You've just spent the week cramming, finishing projects, staying up way too late, and caffeinating way too much; it's time to give yourself a little bit of love.
First: do not pick up any academic material for at least a week.
I don't care if your professors for next semester gave you reading to do before the start of classes, you have a whole month to do it-- DO NOT START YET.
Second: sleep.
My guess is you haven't gotten nearly enough sleep for the last couple weeks. Now is the time. Indulge yourself in sleeping until noon and not setting any alarms for as long as you can.
Third: catch up on crap television.
Whatever your brain frying show of choice is-- now is your time to catch up on all the episodes you've missed. Binge-watch a series on Netflix, catch up with the Kardashians, watch whatever it is that makes you smile. It's academia detox time.
Fourth: stop checking to see if your final grade is published online.
It will be posted when it's posted, relax and stop checking it every five minutes. You're supposed to be allowing yourself time to de-stress and by checking your grade constantly you're only continuing the stress cycle. Chill. Your grade will be posted soon, either way it's not worth freaking out about because you can't change it now anyway. Be patient.
Fifth: stop caffeinating.
I'm not saying don't have any caffeine at all anymore, but cut back. You probably consumed WAY too much during finals, you need to cleanse your system. Cut down to a more reasonable intake.
Sixth: hang out with your friends.
You and all your friends are all recovering from finals death, spend some time together. You probably haven't gotten to see them in a while, at least not outside of the library, so spend some time laughing and having fun together. Laughter is the best medicine, and friendship is the best prescription for stress.
Just relax, have some fun, pamper yourself, and focus on becoming a human again. There is life after finals, and you are allowed to stop being stressed.
Take care of yourself. Relax.