Post-camp blues. It's this feeling you have after returning home from Young Life camp. Not that home isn't nice. Well thankfully I have been blessed with a great home life, so home is great. But there is something about camp that is different:
At camp, everyone is the best version of themselves.
At camp, the food is incredible.
At camp, conversations seem more intentional.
At camp, phones and social media don't consume our attention.
At camp, "norts" and t-shirts are your wardrobe.
At camp, the more bracelets you have, the better.
At camp, Chacos go with any outfit.
At camp, late night conversations and giggles last until the wee hours of the morning.
At camp, Jesus radiates.
At camp, people serve you selflessly and you get to serve others selflessly.
At camp, you get to worship with hundreds of people.
At camp, every meal starts with getting crunk to "Bring Em Out."
At camp, you spend all your money at the camp store on stickers and that YL crewneck everyone has
At camp, you make friends from all over the country.
At camp, you make friends from your own county.
At camp, your "social status" disappears.
At camp, you laugh until you cry.
At camp, you cry until you laugh.
At camp, some people hear about Jesus and the saving grace of the Gospel for the first time.
At camp, the eternal destinations of some campers change from death to life.
At camp, you braid your hair daily or rock the bun-of-fun.
At camp, you dance with people you've never met and love every second of it.
At camp, you see a little slice of Heaven.
At camp, God is present and moving and glorified.
Camp is incredible. Memories are made and lives are changed. That is why as a Young Life leader we try to get our high school friends to camp, because we know how evident the glory of God is while there.
But with all that said, all those things that are at camp can also be found wherever you are.
The same God that moves and radiates at Young Life camp is the same God that moves and radiates in your hometown, on vacation, in the next state or country.
Hebrews 13:8 says:
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
This clearly proves that the same God we encounter on the top of the mountain after a hike or during club or cabin time, is at home. Jesus Christ wants a relationship with you, with me, with all of us, everyday. Everywhere.
Camp is great, but don't think that you can't see Jesus wherever you are. He never moves or leave you. Matthew 28:20 tells us this: "...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Always. Always. How cool is that? That is such an incredible promise, and it is for us everywhere.
So, remember, camp is incredible and we may miss it. That is okay, but know that Jesus wants to have a "camp life." He wants us to have "the best week of your life" at camp, and the best life with him. Always.